Philly Sketchfest 2024 takes place May 31-June 8, 2024 with live shows at the MacGuffin Stage at the Adrienne and Sawubona Creativity Project. The Sketch Comedy Film Festival will be at Theatre Exile on June 5.
AJ Schraeder (Greensboro, NC)
Bad Medicine (Washington, DC)
Bomb Bomb Bombshells (Philly)
Brandy Alexander (Chicago)
Brick Penguin (Washington, DC)
Cam Wyllie (Toronto)
The Chris & Paul Show (New York City)
Fastball Pitcher Bob Gutierrez (Philly via Chicago)
Field Trip (Boston)
Fun in Moderation (New York City)
Ghost Girl (New York City)
Grace and the Gang (Washington, DC)
The Greatles (Florida and Los Angeles)
Hey Party People (Portland, ME)
High Dramma (Philly)
Hip Replacement (Philly)
InAction Network (Philly)
The Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie (Philly)
Less is Morgue (Philly)
Mean Wendy Band (Philly)
Party Trick (New York City)
Public Breakup (Los Angeles)
Rails Comedy (Washington, DC)
Secret Pants (Philly)
Septar (Philly)
Stay Funny. Stay Scared. (Brooklyn, NY)
Tom Hannigan (Philly)